Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Evil Weed (2009)

I checked out this movie because the title seemed funny, and I have to say I wasn’t completely disappointed.  In my week of B movies, I will not lie that this one was not one of the best.  But it was definitely funny in a few places, and for the guys there are lots of chicks running round in skimpy bikinis so if you like that then you will get your fill from this flick. 
            The basic gist is this: this group of kids finds some ‘tainted’ weed that once smoked causes them to come over all demon-y.  Once one of them has the demon inside them, any kind of fluid transfer can cause the others to get ‘sick’ as well.  Not the most original or inspired concept, but it nevertheless is a recipe for fun.  When the first girl begins to feel the side effects, I laughed out loud at the slow, sluggish: “I don’t feel so good.”  There is another point at the end of the film in which two of the characters are driving away together that is also hilarious. 
            The setting wasn’t terrible, and I particularly liked the shots of the city as the kids traveled to their getaway spot in the Hamptons.  The gore was shitty in parts but actually kind of cool in others.  For example, the pool death was totally lame – but the cut and bloodied-up foot made up for that.  The scenes where people are toking up and then have bloody mouths…well that shit is a bit too abstract for my taste.  But I digress. 
            The score was kind of alright, until the butt-rock started up.  But the butt-rock doesn’t continue through the entirety of the film, so that is a plus.  Some of the acting in this film is decent, and some is not.  The actors as an ensemble looked rather un-synced, but some of the individual acting was alright – definitely not the worst I’ve seen by far.  My final criticism of this movie was its plodding, dopey plot (pun intended).  After the kids smoke up, I’m thinking “YEAH they are all dead soon!” but the actual side effects don’t happen for at least thirty minutes after they puff.  Must have been some creeper bud.   
            Number of killers?  At least two, but I honestly didn’t keep track due to the slowness of the plot.  Body count? Two or three.  Boob count? Less than or equal to one. Cheap thrills?  Zero. Actual creeps given?  One.  Good show on that by the way, Wexler.  Entertainment? So-so.  Raven’s Scream Meter says: 1 out of 5 screams – good for a laugh, but if you want to watch something scary this probably isn’t the movie for you. 

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