Friday, February 28, 2014

Hansel and Gretel Get Baked (2013)

       Happy Friday fiends!  I’m pleased that I’ve been able to review these horror films this week for you, and hope you’ve been entertained thus far.  My final teen scream this week I chose because I figured it would be funny based on its title: Hansel and Gretel Get Baked.  Filmed in 2013 and directed by Duane Journey, this movie begins innocently enough in a small town that could literally be almost anywhere in America. 

Hansel and Gretel are of course brother and sister, and Gretel has a passion for the purple sticky punch.  Her boyfriend scores a bag of bud called “Black Forest” and mentions it’s grown by a ‘sweet little old lady’ in her basement.  The two of them enjoy a toke and then get the munchies, but while Gretel is making up some cookies her boyfriend decides to go get some more weed.  He goes to the sweet old lady’s house, and she complies, but when he asks to eat her gingerbread house she firmly tells him to keep his paws off it.  As soon as she leaves the room he takes the opportunity to take quite a large chunk off of the house, and notices that there are a ton of ID cards and passports shoved inside it.  He immediately becomes woozy, and wakes up tied to a table getting a buttery spread applied to his torso. 

The old woman claims to have the munchies, and proceeds to chop off this kid’s limbs and cook them and eat them right in front of him (only she removed one of his eyes and ate it raw because he said he didn’t want to watch).  This excellently wicked beginning actually surprised me due to this being a rendition of a children’s classic that, based on the title, should be slightly humorous.  Only there isn’t much humorous about getting flayed and chopped up slowly, and eaten by a wicked witch – or is there?

            The show goes on, and Gretel begins the search for her boyfriend.  She knows the old woman is fishy, but no one is taking her seriously until another girl’s boyfriend goes missing.  The two of them head to the old woman’s house (who by now is a not-so-old woman), and attempt to break and enter.  From here, everything unravels and the witch can’t seem to catch a break with all the people that show up at her door.  With zombies, cats, an awesome Doberman, fire, and plenty of gore – this movie is full of fun surprises and brings a new (somewhat eccentric) twist to an old favorite.  The final scene is of corpse one we would expect of the classic fairy tale, the witch gets tossed into her own oven and burns alive. 

            The soundtrack is probably the biggest downfall of this film, as the music is mostly cheesy and if it wasn’t unbearably cheesy it was unmemorable.  The cinematography was decent, and the makeup effects were done well.  Although this is not an intellectual teaser in any way, it definitely is a fun and witchy romp which is something I always enjoy.  Plus, the death count alone is enough to make a horror fan feel all tingly inside.  So here come the stats:  Body count? Ten.  Number of killers?  Two (or three if you count both Hansel and Gretel as killers).  Boob count?  None, though sex is brought up in the film – but mostly as a subject of cruelty or as a joke.  Cheap thrills?  None.  Actual thrills?  At least one, maybe two.  Raven’s Scream Meter says?  3 out of 5 screams.  Definitely decent for a young adult film and was clever enough to make me laugh a few times.  All in all, I think the moral of the story is – when a sweet lady selling you pot tells you to keep your hands off her gingerbread house, you don’t destroy your connection by opposing her will after she has already puffed you down.  Because not only will you lose that connection…she might also eat you up and make you watch while she does it. 

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